Olympic Connection
Gym Quest Gymnastics
Gym Quest founder and owner coach Doug Lubking ran the Olympic torch in the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. This is an incredible honor for anyone, but for Coach it was even more humbling and emotional than anyone could imagine when he found out the honor of running the Olympic torch was bestowed upon him by his peers across the country.
Both Coca-Cola and Chevrolet held campaigns for folks across the United States to nominate and vote for who they thought was most deserving of the honor of running the torch. Having just recovered from Guillian-Barre and no longer paralyzed, peers across the country voted for Coach Doug as one who embodied the Olympic ideals and provided a clear example of what it meant to "Light the Fire Within". For coach Doug, it was another way to live the Gym Quest motto, that "You Never Know What You Can Do Until You Try".
Coach Doug was floored when he found out he was chosen not once, but twice by his peers, one time for the Coca-Cola "Light the Fire Within " campaign, and once for Chevrolet's campaign of the same name. Humbly coach Doug didn't keep this second honor for himself: instead, he quietly contacted Chevrolet and asked them to please share it with the person next in line and asked that he remain anonymous in the process, that no one publicize that he actually "won" twice lest he appear to be bragging and pompous.
There is greatness in all of us... The sport of Gymnastics trains us for anything life can give us, makes us stronger mentally and physically, teaches us focus, determination, self-confidence, and organization. You don't have to be an Olympic athlete to reach inside and light your own fire within. After all, You Never Know What You Can Do Until You Try!
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